University Of Justice And Wisdom

Admission to graduate study at The University Of Justice And Wisdom  is selective. The student must have completed an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution. The Institute Of Justice & Wisdom  requires a minimum bachelors grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (“B”) for full admission. Specific entrance requirements may vary by program; these are described in detail in the program sections of this catalog. Students whose qualifications cannot be assessed via traditional means may be considered for admission with probationary student status. (For details, please see “Probationary Graduate Student Status” later in this section). Final decisions regarding probationary admission status are made by the chair of the department upon the recommendation of the program director. If a student wishes to appeal the admission status, he/she may contact the program director. Standardized test results generally are not required. Individual programs may require basic skills and standardized tests for full admission as approved by the department.


If a student is pursuing a graduate degree at The University Of Justice And Wisdom , the student must minimally complete the following tiered graduate admission process through the Office of Admissions:.

A. General Requirements:

  • Submit a graduate application.
  • Send official transcripts for bachelor degree-awarding institution directly to The University Of Justice And Wisdom : Office of Admissions.
  • Graduate program applicants must submit a career plan. The “career plan” is a description of the applicant’s life/career goals and an explanation of how the particular graduate program to which the student is applying will assist in realizing his/her objectives. It should be word-processed and is not to exceed two pages. [This does not apply to Master in the Art of Teaching (MAT) applicants.]
  • A copy of the applicant’s teaching certificate is required for application to the following programs: Master in the Art of Teaching, Educational Leadership, School Administrator Certificate, Educational Technology [if an NP Endorsement is desired], Reading: Reading Specialist, and Special Education programs.

Submit Documents

Submit the above documents via email to

B. Specific Master’s Degree Program Requirements

Complete additional admissions requirements for specific graduate programs, for example: letters of recommendation, significant work experience related to field of study, writing sample, or current resume.
Admission to the Teacher Certification Program is distinct from admission to other programs offered by the College. Candidates for graduate programs leading to a teaching certificate must meet all criteria for admission to the College and to the Elementary or Secondary Teacher Certification Program. See the MASTERS IN EDUCATION PLUS TEACHER CERTIFICATION section of this catalog for details.



The University Of Justice And Wisdom  welcomes out-of-state graduate program applications. A student living outside the State of Michigan may schedule a phone interview with the program director.


In some instances, the student may transfer semester hours of graduate credit to a The University Of Justice And Wisdom  graduate program from another accredited graduate institution. For equivalency evaluation, graduate program applicants must contact the director of their graduate program. The graduate program director determines the equivalency of courses subject to department chair review. The following provisions apply:

  • For graduate programs of 30-34 credit hours, a maximum
    of six (6) hours may be transferred.
  • For graduate programs of 35 or more credit hours, a maximum of nine (9) hours may be transferred.
  • Maximum of three (3) credit hours may be transferred into graduate certificate programs.

The following policies govern the transfer of graduate credits:

  • The transfer course is deemed equivalent to a course required for the master’s degree for which the student is applying.
  • The transfer course was completed with a minimum of a
    B grade (3.0/4.0).
  • The institution where the student received course credits
    is accredited by a regional accrediting body.
  • The transfer course was taken within the six-year time period required for completion of the The Institute Of Justice & Wisdom  graduate degree. Graduate program directors may make exceptions subject to department chair review.